Puerto Rico

We just finished weekend ministries in Puerto Rico. We had 4 concerts in three days, and made two trips to the beach. We leave tomorrow for Miami and begin the tour in the U.S. The Peruvian band members are doing well. Maritza Cumba has been housing us all together. Gracias Maritza por tu don de hospitalidad, y el privilegio de ser beneficiarios de ese don! We stood in line today for 2 hours early, to try to get on the ferry to Culebra island to swim and things, but the ferry filled up and we went to another beach. Puerto Rico has the best beaches!

We have enjoyed getting to know the people here, and seeing that they have a passion for missions. We wish we could have spent another week here, but it is time to go on. Pray that we get all of our luggage back to the States without having to pay. Rumor has it that we will have to pay up to $650 for the luggage. PRAY.

Blessings to all,

Rich Brown


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